Team Teach

"Team Teach is the holistic approach we use to support people who may exhibit more challenging behaviours."

The approach is based on a risk reduction approach, involving de-escalation strategies, diversion and as a last resort physical intervention. We pride ourselves at Opportunities on providing a safe positive environment. Sometimes some of the people we support may get anxious or agitated – we support them to achieve calm using communication skills, distraction techniques and by removing identified triggers where possible.

However there may be times when service users need more help to calm down – this may require staff physical support to ensure their safety, the safety of other service users and staff, or that property is not seriously damaged. This can require physical intervention. At Opportunities we have adopted the Team Teach approach to manage challenging behaviour. All our staff have been trained in the use of this approach and we have tutors available who carry out initial training, ongoing refresher training and advise staff on managing behaviour.

All incidents where a service user needs to be held to help them calm down are recorded. People who are likely to need help in this way will have an Individual Behaviour Management Plan and a Positive Handling Plan that will be discussed and consistently followed. We will also share this information with other people who may also be supporting the service user e.g. Transport links, short breaks, domiciliary care providers and link family

  • Bild
  • National Autistic Society
  • Rossendale Radio