
"We believe that our service users should be listened to and their voices heard"

We believe in a homely environment. Here at Opportunities we provide vibrant and comfortable surroundings in which the children and young people can feel welcome and accepted. We understand that people with disabilities, including Autistic Spectrum Disorders, respond best to calm, orderly and consistent care routines, so we ensure that these are established and maintained. All staff will receive appropriate training and support for each service user to ensure they are in touch with their needs and have the necessary skills to meet those needs.

We believe that all people should be free from harm, fear or threat. We understand the particular vulnerability of disabled children and young people to abuse and exploitation and are proactive in promoting their safety and protection. We actively pursue anti-bullying, safeguarding, complaints and equal opportunities policies to ensure that our service users enjoy the benefits of living in a safe environment.

We believe in equality. Disabled children and young people have the same rights, privileges and opportunities as other people. They have an absolute right to receive the help and support that they need to reach their optimum potential and we believe that any disability which a person may have is not in itself a reason to be un-ambitious about what that person can achieve.

We believe that children and young people should be listened to and their voices heard. They should be encouraged and supported to contribute to the discussions about their lives and their future and also to comment on their care and how the home is run. children and young people should be made aware of their right to comment or complain about their experience of being looked after and have a right to support and advocacy to ensure that their concerns are properly addressed. We understand that some people may have communication difficulties, but do not believe that this in itself should be a barrier to the person being heard. We regard such difficulties as a challenge on us to find alternative ways to enable the person to express their views and opinions.

We believe it is important to listen to families and involve them as much as possible in the decision making about children and young people. In cases where circumstances prevent full involvement, we believe parents/carers should be kept informed of the person's welfare and progress.

We believe that our service users should enjoy the experience of being looked after and supported and should always receive unconditional positive regard from their carers. They should also have the opportunity of making and sustaining positive relationships with the people who support them, with other people with whom they live and the people in the community with whom they come into contact. We also recognise the importance of service user's relationships with family and friends and will encourage and actively promote contact with these important people in order to retain their links with the past and to facilitate the transition into adulthood or for their continued development.

We believe in inclusion. It is important to promote the integration of disabled people into the local community and challenge the isolation and exclusion often associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. We will promote the use of mainstream services and facilities for service user's and will seek out opportunities for them to become involved in events and activities in the community which they can enjoy and succeed in and we will celebrate their success with them.

We believe that every person is unique and is entitled to safe, warm, consistent, stable and nurturing care. We will work proactively in partnership with those with parental responsibility and others and the children and young people themselves to develop plans which ensure that each service user's particular, individual needs are properly identified and met. We are committed to getting the best outcomes for the people we care for and will work hard with them and others to achieve this.

  • Bild
  • National Autistic Society
  • Rossendale Radio